Sunday, February 10, 2013

Captain BubbleBeard!

"Raise the mizzen mast!  Hoist the sails!  Heavy seas me boys, heavy seas!   We can’t let the Swiss Miss escape with arr tray-sure boys!"

Captain Kip BubbleBeard swings down from the boom and lands on the deck as the thunder claps behind him.  “Hoist them sails I say!”

BOOOM!!  CrAcK!  a chain shot cannon fire takes out the main sail.

“Captain! Captain!  We’re losin’ speed!  We need that sail.” Cries Cornelius Jones.  The squatty red-headed first mate.  The rain has turned is orange poof of hair into a sopping mop.

“No Fear, Boy-O!” Captain BubbleBeard hacks the rope next to him.  Instantly releasing the pully supporting the crates of rum cakes below.  He then grabs the rope and is launched towards the broken sail.

Rapidly BubbleBeard starts to re-tie the sails when something grabs hold of his boot and yanks it clean off, nearly pulling him into the icy water below.  Between his smelly toes, the Cap’n sees the murky figure of the horrid beast rising from the sea.  Its the the Grizzled Sea Witch, Mrs. Baxter!

“What are you doing on my desk Kip?!” says she, in a high screechy voice of disapproval.

Immediately the waves subside, the wind dissipates, and the roaring thunder transforms to a chorus of laughter.

“Eye- ie, - I, I wha.. - “

“Quit your stuttering and get back in your seat!  I leave you children alone for 5 minutes, and I come back to this!  Why when I was your age...” Mrs. Baxters mutters to herself as she shuffles to the front of the class.  “Next time I’m sending you to the principal's office!” be continued.

This is the beginning of a little short story I'm working on in honor of my son's first birthday.  Hope you enjoyed it!

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